Vairagya is an ancient Yogic practice of surrender, to completely let go of the ego. But before the ego is dissolved in the Self – the Self needs to be enlightened, and enlightenment is to find your answers.
Knowing when to let go is really important. Knowing when to let go of:
● toxic people
● unfulfilling relationships
● dissatisfying jobs,
● explaining people who never listen
● chasing people who don’t want to stay
● battles not worth fighting for
is Vidhya (Right Knowledge) for happiness + success.
To be able to Let Go something / someone, one must first fully accept and embrace the reality. You cannot let go of something that’s stuck, left with unanswered questions.
So make a list of questions that are bothering you in fully accepting the situation. Even if you have questions with Higher Authority, like God, Universe, etc.
But avoid comparing yourself with others because you are NEVER fully aware of others life journey fully.
Now seek answers to your questions. The most common issue that occurs here is we expect answers from others but others will never have your answers, even if it feels you are in this issue because of them.
The answers are always within you.
So indulge in Swadhyay ( Self Analysis). You can also check my other articles on how to do
Swadhyay. If you don’t know how, seek help from a good Counsellor, who will help you find the answers within you by asking the right questions.
Understand, the more wounded, scared, vulnerable your Soul Energy is, the more difficult it becomes to let go.
Consciously engaging everyday in uplifting – healing your own energy, helps incredibly. In certain cases, the trauma could be too overwhelming and may not always leave you with enough Energy even to start a journey of Letting Go.
You may find that the trauma has frozen you and your life is probably on a stand-still. In such a crucial case, get Help from Experts immediately. But do not suffer, give your Soul a helping hand irrespective of what others say / feel.
You can also book personalised Counselling sessions with Ilashrei Anand to heal your issues from the root cause. We hope you take your well-being on priority.