Ilashrei Anand

Pelvis, Knees, Feet

The Lower Half of the Body is connected with
Storage ( for Pelvis, Uterus too )

When issue occurs in lower half of the body, in psychological terms, it may hint at :

● Being unable to ‘move’ past something that happened / is happening
● Finding oneself ‘stuck’ , ‘restricted’ in a certain situation
● Rigidness towards change
● Storing fears , unprocessed difficult emotions, vulnerabilities, worries, etc
● Resistance / Fear towards future

When one’s Aatman ( soul ) has reached its threshold / full capacity in these emotions, the lower half of the body will begin to show the impact by developing health issues.

FEET are connected with:

The first step towards change / movement

Pain in feet – is often a sign of depression or functional depression.

Depression is also a state where the person is no longer able to take any step to help / heal themselves. In such a case, get Certified Professional help, immediately.

For Healing from Emotional Root Cause, do Swadhyay on :

● Where am I resisting change / being stubborn ?
● Where am I normalising my suffering ?
● What are my deep rooted fears, vulnerabilities ?
● Where am I silently suffering or worrying ?
● What am I doing to fix the above ?

You can book personalised Yogic Chakra Counselling and Healing sessions with Ilashrei Anand or any other Certified expert to help you with this. We hope you take your well-being on priority.

If you’re going through any stress, anxiety, depression, trauma due to relationship issues or physical health issues, take yourself on priority and get the much needed help you need. You can also reserve your personalised therapy / counselling ( Root Cause Healing ) Yoga Psychology sessions with Ilashrei Anand for holistic well-being encompassing the spiritual journey of SwaDharma ( self – Love ) + Karma ( law of attraction ) in understanding, accepting yourself ( inner child healing ) better to release the unhealthy patterns , behaviours , illness / diseases. For more INFO on one-on-one therapy sessions with Ilashrei Anand, click here
To directly reserve your sessions, click here.

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