Ilashrei Anand

Healing From Breakup

How to heal from Breakup ? Why does it take so long or it’s immensely difficult to heal from breakup, abuse, divorce, separation, betrayal? Let’s understand, breakup healing is not just about getting over the trauma, abuse of what happened or what you suffered that’s taking time to heal, rather it’s the unfortunate fact that ” it was probably the love of your life that’s now no longer going to be with you. So when you’re healing from any betrayal abuse trauma that you experienced by someone you loved deeply you should also focus on:

Not just healing the trauma, But also-

● The acceptance that you made a wrong choice in Love
● Acceptance that the person never really loved you
● Acceptance that it was a one-sided relationship
● Acceptance that you were wounded yourself that in spite of red- flags you repeatedly chose this person
● Acceptance that you may still love this person but have to let go off them
● Acceptance that you betrayed yourself / your boundaries to love this person

I’ll just give 5 MOST powerful yet overlooked ways to start Healing yourself :

1 . Do not BE ALONE all the time. I repeat- staying alone can make the healing process more difficult and most likely to worsen the state by getting you into addictions – or worse repeating the same patterns over and again. So even if you are a nesting prakriti person- at the very basic minimum- go out everyday for sometime where you are actually talking to other humans. Even if it’s a vegetable Vendor – but meet and talk to some humans everyday.

2. Do not stalk your ex. It is hard – but understand- you are only stopping your healing by stalking them every time. So block them everywhere and focus on your healing.

3. Clean your surroundings. When you begin to de- clutter your space – your brain picks the pattern and also begins to apply it psychologically for healing faster

4. Eat your meals . I repeat – what you eat is what you feel. I know you don’t feel like eating at all perhaps or you over- eat, but do have your 3 proper meals everyday.

5. Talk to people about how you’re feeling. Express. Write in a journal. Cry – vent however you’d like. But do not hold it within. Also understand- not always people will be equipped / available to provide you support – in that case it’s better to seek a professional . Remember – you CANNOT stay in this state forever. So start taking at least baby steps to heal yourself.

Lastly, don’t be hard on yourself, allow yourself as much time needed to heal.

It’s okay- you truly loved someone – you got betrayed, hurt, abused, whatever your trauma is, your pain is valid and so is your healing journey. But just don’t stay in this without choosing to heal.

If it’s really difficult to bear, you can also book personalised Counselling and Healing sessions with Ilashrei Anand to help you heal from the root cause. We hope you take your well-being on priority.

If you’re going through any stress, anxiety, depression, trauma due to relationship issues or physical health issues, take yourself on priority and get the much needed help you need. You can also reserve your personalised therapy / counselling ( Root Cause Healing ) Yoga Psychology sessions with Ilashrei Anand for holistic well-being encompassing the spiritual journey of SwaDharma ( self – Love ) + Karma ( law of attraction ) in understanding, accepting yourself ( inner child healing ) better to release the unhealthy patterns , behaviours , illness / diseases. For more INFO on one-on-one therapy sessions with Ilashrei Anand, click here
To directly reserve your sessions, click here.

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