Its important to keep our Atman ( soul ) in Satvik, Healthy, positive energies. Few organic and free ways to do so are:
Placing your hand on your chest near your heart and rubbing gently with deep breathing
Bending forward or forward bending Asanas. They help in letting go, releasing emotions.
Follow contraindications before you attempt any Aasana.
Moving your neck- left – down- right and up
Saying Affirmations
Smelling a lemon
Enjoying Rains
Painting – doodling – calligraphy
Setting Happy Future Intentions
Good Sleep
Forgiving / letting go
Making space for Love
Focusing on Being Independent
Emotional depth
Self Care
Staying Hydrated
Moon Gazing
Singing – Dancing
Giving away things you don’t use / are in excess
Pranayam (Breathing exercises )
Making your Bed
Taking a nice shower
Making food for self
Spending time with kids
Dressing up
Smelling / looking at flowers
Hugging yourself
Watching Sunrise / Sunset
Smiling even if upset
Positive Self Talk
Remembering good times, not the ones that hurt.
Spending time with pets
Getting out of house and taking a walk
You can also book personalised Yogic Counselling sessions with Ilashrei Anand to heal your energies from root cause. We hope you take your well-being on priority.