Calling an addict to someone who struggles with any addiction is incorrect as the person is much more than their addiction. Labelling their addiction as their identity will only reduce their self-worth thereby worsening the addiction and prolonging the healing.
Addictions are born out of Avidya Wrong knowledge- because a person doesn’t know how to deal with their identified / unidentified wounds.
Anyone struggling with any form of identified unidentified emotional stress / trauma can be prone to addictions. Addictions are coping mechanisms used by the brain to shift focus from stress into anything else that gives a temporary (though illusionary) sense of control, power to make up for the helpless feeling which a person suffers / suffered during emotional trauma.
Alcohol, sex, porn, drugs, food, shopping, coffee / tea, OCD, tobacco, exercise, internet / TV, gaming, binge-watching, texting, chatting, work, etc are all various types of addictions if done in excess frequently.
Addiction, like other issues, can be healed. Don’t let someone struggling with addiction suffer alone. People with addictions need help, proper Therapy and Support System. Don’t let them give up on life.
You can also book personalised Counselling and Healing sessions with Ilashrei Anand to heal with addictions from the root cause. Hope you take your well-being on priority.