Ilashrei Anand

Denial – The Root Of Suffering

How staying in Denial mode is a sign of self-harm.

    There’s a famous ancient story. An Axe with a wooden handle, went to the trees, saying, “Am one of you. Let me be with you.” The trees said, ” but you also have iron knife ( head) on you” Axe – ” but I am a part of you. I am you. Look at my wooden handle ” So the trees agreed and the axe chopped off the whole forest.

    Though the trees were able to look at the iron-head of the axe , they chose to stay in denial about it by looking at something better that the axe had – that is the wood. Most often in relationships, people compensate for the wrongs of their partner by saying, “oh but they also did this good thing for me” No amount of good ever justifies the wrong.

    Swadhyay for Denial:

    What parts about me I am not ready to accept ? 

    Why am I struggling to accept them ? 

    What does this emotion tell about me ? 

    What parts of my relationship with others I am choosing to over-credit ? 

    What parts of my relationship with others give too much benefit of doubt ?

    Imagine fighting a monster that does not exist. Can you ever win ? No. But can the fight exhaust you ? Yes. This is what Denial mode does to us. By choosing to not accept / acknowledge the reality we betray our Atman ( Soul ) and create more suffering for our Soul.

    Prayer for Acceptance :
    Dear Lord, Grant me the (Vidhya) wisdom to see the truth and the courage to accept / fix it.

    Remember, Truth may not always be pleasing and that is why most of us choose to stay in Denial mode. But, acceptance is not about what is easy or good, acceptance is for YOU, what is the Dharma towards yourself, not for society, not for staying “woke”, not for image, not for anyone –

    Acceptance is the gift you owe yourself so others do not cheat / deprive you of what you truly deserve to be in peace.

    Now you can also reserve personalised Yoga Psychology – Root Cause Healing Therapy Sessions with Ilashrei Anand. We hope you take your well-being on priority.

    If you’re going through any stress, anxiety, depression, trauma due to relationship issues or physical health issues, take yourself on priority and get the much needed help you need. You can also reserve your personalised therapy / counselling ( Root Cause Healing ) Yoga Psychology sessions with Ilashrei Anand for holistic well-being encompassing the spiritual journey of SwaDharma ( self – Love ) + Karma ( law of attraction ) in understanding, accepting yourself ( inner child healing ) better to release the unhealthy patterns , behaviours , illness / diseases. For more INFO on one-on-one therapy sessions with Ilashrei Anand, click here
    To directly reserve your sessions, click here.

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