Ilashrei Anand

Gut Health And Solar Plexus Or Manipura Chakra

Located just above the navel and reaches up into the breastbone, Solar Plexus / Manipura Chakra is known for: 

  • Body’s powerhouse of Energy
  • Will Power 
  • Self-Esteem 
  • Aggression 
  • Power Control 
  • Ego

If any of the above is too much or too less, chakra goes in imbalance and shows Gut issues.

Common issues with imbalance Solar Plexus or Manipura Chakra include: 

  • Gut / tummy / digestive issues 
  • weight issues 
  • Allergies / inflammations 
  • feeling too powerful or too powerless  
  • mentally / physically dominating/controlling or too submissive 
  • OCDs ( Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) 
  • Excessive or lack of sweating 
  • fear / unable to trust 
  • severe acne that leaves deeper marks, etc
  • IBS 
  • constipation / diarrhoea 
  • acid reflux 
  • regular stomach pain 
  • Anger 
  • criticising others / self too much 
  • lack of direction / stagnancy 
  • element of shame 
  • lack / too much of inner strength 
  • lack or too much of motivation

Gut is responsible for most digestive functioning and keeping the digestive fire stimulated via gut microbiomes and digestive enzymes.

Now think of it this way,

At Atman ( soul ) level, where one shows issues with emotional / mental digestion or acceptance or hard to digest feelings is likely the root cause of blocking their Gut energy ( also causes intuition issues .)

With too little fire ( warmth ) we go cold towards others, and with too much fire we become way too giving, empathetic towards others.

These fluctuations of hot and cold behaviour will also fluctuate from person to person in our life depending on our individual root cause and sensitivities. Check other articles on website for root-cause healing.

You can also do Swadhyay on : 

  • Which feelings am I unable to digest ? Why ? 
  • What do I need to upgrade in my personality to accept my reality ? 
  • Where do I seek control in my external environment in an attempt to fill the void / lack of control in my internal environment ? 
  • Where am I being over- dominating / submissive? 
  • What am I doing to fix the above ?

Element of Shame is often seen as the common factor with Manipura imbalance personalities. In order to fix this shame , they often tend to become,

over possessive
reclusive / introverts
perfectionists controlling / dominating of their external environment to gain a sense of power to combat this shame.You can also book personalised Holistic Therapy sessions with Ilashrei Anand to heal your Gut issues from root cause. Hope you take your well-being on priority.

If you’re going through any stress, anxiety, depression, trauma due to relationship issues or physical health issues, take yourself on priority and get the much needed help you need. You can also reserve your personalised therapy / counselling ( Root Cause Healing ) Yoga Psychology sessions with Ilashrei Anand for holistic well-being encompassing the spiritual journey of SwaDharma ( self – Love ) + Karma ( law of attraction ) in understanding, accepting yourself ( inner child healing ) better to release the unhealthy patterns , behaviours , illness / diseases. For more INFO on one-on-one therapy sessions with Ilashrei Anand, click here
To directly reserve your sessions, click here.

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