Be very careful with whose advice you take and check how true it is in your case. A lot of you pay me only because of this Avidya (Wrong Knowledge).
As you begin creating your own life as per how you want it – there will always be someone who will be unhappy with it. As you grow wiser, you realise it is their problem and not yours.
Not always People will take your boundaries seriously but if you stick to your boundaries strongly, they will take you seriously.
We all are energy. If there is error (wounds, trauma, blocks etc) in our energy, the output will also have errors because of unhealthy input energy.
The sooner you learn to take care of your emotions, the healthier + successful you’ll be.
Know your truth and live by it. Have healthy boundaries and be aware of your non-negotiables to navigate through them.
If you want to change / fix / heal things in your life- you alone have to begin the journey to help yourself first by getting out of your comfort zone.
Don’t express your needs to change people. Express to draw your healthy boundaries with people who are not healthy for you.
If you think too much about pleasing others always, you will find yourself sad, hurt,
Follow your Swadharma. When in doubt / discomfort, focus on your goals.
You can also book personalised Yogic Counselling sessions with Ilashrei Anand to heal your issues from the root cause. We hope you take your well-being on priority.