Boundaries are some healthy, non-negotiable lines we draw with others to ensure our happiness, peace and emotional, physical well-being.
Rigid boundaries look like:
● too quick in cutting off people from life if facing any discomfort.
● wants to be in control of everything going on all the time
● stubborn , non-flexible with what you cannot do and what you can do
● unable to trust people
● need to do all things their way as difficulty in trusting others
● leaving people before they leave them
● having walls instead of boundaries
● unable to ask for help
● too private and protective with personal info
Weak boundaries look like:
● never expresses needs / wants
● letting others mistreat, manipulate you
● seeking external validation
● need constant attention
● will share too much personal info – usually more than required
Healthy boundaries look like
● will not compromise their values for others
● can say ‘no’ without guilt
● can clearly communicate needs and wants without any shame / lack of confidence
● chooses who is worth their time and love
Healthier boundaries
● clear about how you want to be treated
● able to differentiate their responsibilities and others
● respect others limits and boundaries
● sees and never compromise their own worth
You can also book personalised Yogic Counselling sessions with Ilashrei Anand to heal your issues from root cause. We hope you take your well-being on priority.