Ilashrei Anand

Empower Your Spiritual Energy

Spiritual Energy is the Energy of your Soul – Spirit – Aatman which helps you understand
your Purpose, strengthens your Intuition and creates Joy for self + others. If your Soul
doesn’t feel worthy, it will soon began to lose its powers and feel Purposeless, anxious,
depressed with poor understanding of people.
On top priority – avoid every person, content that doesn’t uplift you instead constantly makes
you feel less worthy about you. If you can’t completely boycott – minimise interaction with
Understand the basics, your Soul is here to experience Joy without any obligation to be Joy
for others. So stop People pleasing thinking ” i am a good human / child / spouse / parent /
sibling, etc only if i keep others happy.” NO. You’re a good being if can give joy to others
without being disloyal to your Soul. And everytime you abuse others or let it happen to you,
you cheat others or let others betray you, you use others or let others use you – you are
dishonouring your Soul and infecting your Spiritual Energy.
Unless your job is to heal others or your Life’s mission is to be a Mother Teressa for all, stop
being responsible for everyone’s happiness. And if at all, you really want to help / heal
people then do where it’s genuinely needed and respected – NOT to your toxic partners,
in-laws, family, friends, colleagues, etc, who simply gaslight your feelings and are only good
to you when they need something from you. Remember, Energy wasted is Energy abused.
So be kind to yourself, and Honour your Spirit.
If you cannot know who’s good for you, then do not give people access to your whole world.
Do not share with them every little detail about you / family , do not give them passwords of
your mobile, accounts, etc, – do not try to do things for them putting your well-being at stake
and most importantly do not share any intimacy or vulnerabilities with them. If you want to be
an open book, first learn who’s worthy of reading you. If not, your story can be manipulated
and used against you, breaking your Spirit.
Most of our Spiritual Energy is invested in our relationships, especially our partner. So
ensure whoever you choose, is able to nourish+ love your Soul, help you heal and bloom
emotionally, mentally, physically, etc. Oh but, I have to compromise and adjust, they say –
yes, but efforts should be mutual in that. And, never rush – better late than trauma, therapies,
medical bills, court- cases, etc.
You can book personalised Yogic Chakra Counselling sessions with Ilashrei Anand to heal
from the root-cause. We hope you take your well-being on priority.

If you’re going through any stress, anxiety, depression, trauma due to relationship issues or physical health issues, take yourself on priority and get the much needed help you need. You can also reserve your personalised therapy / counselling ( Root Cause Healing ) Yoga Psychology sessions with Ilashrei Anand for holistic well-being encompassing the spiritual journey of SwaDharma ( self – Love ) + Karma ( law of attraction ) in understanding, accepting yourself ( inner child healing ) better to release the unhealthy patterns , behaviours , illness / diseases. For more INFO on one-on-one therapy sessions with Ilashrei Anand, click here
To directly reserve your sessions, click here.

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